+3 Million

During Apple’s promotion of Things for iOS last week, the apps climbed the charts to #1, racking up over three million downloads along the way. This is a fantastic number. We want to say a big Welcome to all our new users—there have never been so many people using Things!

Things #1 in the App Store charts

We’re pleased to say that Things Cloud has handled the considerable surge in traffic flawlessly. There’s no better way to test the merits of a cloud service than to have it scale so quickly, and it’s great to know that Things Cloud has the chops.

Things for Mac also rose to #1 in the Mac App Store in many countries. We had planned to keep it on sale for just the week, but decided to extend it so that anyone still using the trial has time to take advantage of the deal—get it before Friday, December 5th and save 30%. This promotion has now ended.

Apple’s promotion has driven a lot of traffic to our website, and we were excited to see that over half a million people have already read the Getting Started guide since last week. If you’re new to Things, it’s a great place to start.

We’ve now turned our attention back to Things 2.6 for iPhone and iPad, which includes the new Today Widget for Notification Center. That update is now in alpha and we hope to be able to submit it to the App Store soon.

Happy Things-giving!

Update: This promotion has now ended.
Things - Free App of the Week

As a special gift for Thanksgiving, Apple has chosen Things for iPhone and iPad as their Free App of the Week—a worldwide promotion that makes both apps free for everyone, for the first time ever. This is a fantastic opportunity to get your hands on these award-winning productivity apps.

All three versions of Things have recently been updated with a fresh new design, and had great new features added for iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite—such as the Add to Things extension for creating to-dos from other apps, support for Handoff across all your devices, background refresh, support for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, and a Today Widget for OS X.

Only the iOS apps are being promoted by Apple this week, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help you get the Mac app, too! So this week only, you can get 30% off Things for Mac as well. This promotion has now ended.

Getting Started with Things

Things provides a world-class sync service that keeps all your devices up-to-date. It’s fast, reliable, and entirely free. Once you’ve installed the app, just go into the settings, turn it on, and create an account. Be sure to log into the same account on your other devices, and all your projects and to-dos will instantly sync between them.

As you begin using the apps, you’ll find that they are designed to be very light-weight and easy to use—getting organized with Things is fun. To get you started, we’ve prepared a short guide on how to get the most out of Things.

Of course, you can also find information about the apps on our support page, and our support team is always here to help with any other questions you might have.

Spread the Word

We hope you’ll find a lot of benefit from using Things. If you think your family or friends might also like the apps, be sure to let them know about this promotion before Friday, November 28—that’s when it ends!

You can share the news on Facebook or retweet our announcement on Twitter.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Things 2.5 for iPad

We’ve just released Things 2.5 for iPad. It’s a major update that includes a fresh new design, a new app icon, Handoff support, background refresh, and a convenient new “Add to Things” extension. There is also an update out today for iPhone with a few improvements.

Things for iPad
See it in action.

We’ve been getting a lot of positive feedback from everyone on our recent redesigns of Things for Mac and for iPhone—thanks a lot! We hope you’ll also like today’s update for iPad. Let’s have a look at what’s new in this release.

A Quick Tour

Things 2.5 for iPad is a refinement of the existing interface. Everything has been finely tuned with new custom artwork. You can see the transformation here:


You’ll also notice that we’ve traded the metaphorical project booklets for a normal list view. While this makes the design a little less playful, it’s far more functional and makes it easier to manage your projects.

This update also includes a nice improvement to navigation: when you’re holding your iPad in portrait, you can swipe in from the left to reveal your lists and quickly change to another view. This replaces the old popover from the previous version, and makes navigation a lot more intuitive.

Finally, we’ve built in a feature Apple calls background refresh. The app will now automatically update your to-dos in the background; i.e., it will generate your repeating tasks, move scheduled and due items into Today, sync with Things Cloud, and update the app’s badge on your homescreen.

The New “Add to Things” Extension

The new “Add to Things” extension is definitely one of the best new features in Things 2.5. By closely integrating with system sharing, it now makes it easier than ever to get new to-dos into your inbox—a link to a website, a GPS location from a map, contact details from your address book—pretty much anything.

The new extension allows you to send to-dos to Things from other apps.

This feature is now available on iPad, iPhone and Mac. Any apps on your devices that support extensions can send to-dos into Things with just a tap. And, of course, Things Cloud will pass them seamlessly to your other devices in the background.

Handoff on All Devices

We already added Handoff support to Mac and iPhone a few weeks ago, so today’s release for iPad makes the ensemble complete. It doesn’t matter now which device you’re on, you can immediately pull up the same project or area on another device with just a swipe.


Things 2.5.3 for iPhone, Things 2.5 for Mac, and Things 2.5 for iPad are available for download now.

Two months ago we set out to revitalize all three of our apps. With the great new features, usability improvements, and custom design work in Things 2.5, these are the best apps we’ve ever shipped.

Next, we’ll finish our work on Things 2.6 for iOS, which will introduce the Today Widget for iPhone and iPad. Stay tuned!

Yosemite and Things 2.5

OS X Yosemite is here, and with it, an awesome update to Things for Mac—including an all-new Today Widget, Handoff support, and an “Add to Things” extension. We’ve also released an iPhone update, which adds support for Handoff with your Mac.

Things 2.5 on Mac OS X Yosemite

Refreshed UI

Things for Mac receives a fresh coat of paint today; you’ll notice subtle visual refinements throughout the app—including new icons for the sidebar and preferences, new designs for the toolbar and tag filter bar, and tweaked windows for quick entry and tag management.


It looks perfect on OS X Yosemite—but it’s the great new features that really make today’s update shine. Let’s have a look at what’s new.

Today Widget for Mac

Things’ unique Today list—which shows you all of your tasks for the day—is now built directly into the OS X Notification Center. With a quick two-finger swipe on the trackpad, you can reveal your to-dos while working in any other app, and mark them complete as you go:

Things’ Today Widget

This is a major boost for productivity; you don’t have to switch back to Things any more to see what’s next, your to-dos are always just a swipe away. And because they’re listed alongside your calendar events, it’s the perfect place to get an overview of your day.

Handoff for Mac & iPhone

By utilizing Yosemite’s new Handoff technology, Things now allows you to switch context between devices seamlessly. When you’re reviewing a project on your Mac, for example, and need to head off to a meeting with your iPhone, just swipe up Things’ icon from the lockscreen and you’ll be taken directly into the same project.


This is a great time-saving shortcut that turns Things into a single, unified experience across your devices.

“Add to Things” Extension for Mac

Things for Mac has a great feature called Quick Entry, which allows you to send to-dos into Things while working in other apps. Today’s update makes it even better by adding a new extension that integrates it directly into Yosemite’s share sheet:

Share Sheet

This new integration means you can do things that were previously impossible with Quick Entry. Integration with Maps is a great example: if you need to run an errand at a particular address, you can look it up on your Mac, Add to Things, and save the location in your to-do.

Add to Things

When you’re out later, running errands with your iPhone, you’ll know exactly where to go.

There are already many uses for this new extension, but it will become even more useful in the coming weeks as other apps begin to add standard sharing in Yosemite. We look forward to seeing what’s possible!

Things 2.5 for Mac and Things 2.5.2 for iPhone are available for download now. We hope you enjoy them!

Our plan next is to update Things for iPad with all the great features that have come to iPhone in the last few weeks, and we’re also working on a Today Widget for both iPhone and iPad. We’ll let you know as soon as those updates are ready.