Things updates improve the stability and performance of the app, and are recommended for all users. How to update to the latest version.

Show release notes for:

Things for Vision 3.20.11

June 24, 2024
  • Fixed a bug that could make searches slow.

Things for Vision 3.20.10

June 20, 2024
  • Tweaked the fonts and spacing of a few interface elements.
  • Fixed some visual glitches that could occur when hovering buttons.
  • Fixed a bug that broke auto-capitalization after bullets and Markdown headings on visionOS 2 beta.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented import from Todoist for some users.

Things for Vision 3.20.9

June 12, 2024
  • Tweaked projects’ progress rings.
  • Updated Things Cloud’s login screens.
  • Fixed some glitches that could occur when using a trackpad/mouse.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a change was made to a particularly large database.
  • Fixed crashes that could occur in certain scenarios when creating to-dos in projects.
  • Added some missing localizations.
  • Many other improvements under the hood.

Things for Vision 3.20.8

April 11, 2024
  • Fixed a bug where tapping or clicking a URL would sometimes fail to open the link.

Things for Vision 3.20.7

April 4, 2024
  • Fixed some bugs when tapping on notes to start editing text or to open a link.
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect spacing between rows while dragging areas.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the reminder time in expanded to-dos and projects to be incorrectly styled.
  • Fixed a bug where tapping on a to-do created via Siri would not reveal the to-do in Things.
  • Fixed a bug where, when copying and pasting a repeating to-do that generates deadlines, the pasted item would be assigned an arbitrary deadline.

Things for Vision 3.20.4

March 18, 2024
  • Improved the vibrancy effects for several buttons.
  • Tweaked the Settings screens.
  • Fixed an animation glitch during onboarding.
  • Fixed an animation glitch that could occur when going in/out of select mode.
  • Fixed a bug where certain fonts were incorrectly sized in dialogs.
  • Fixed a bug where checklist items could sometimes be duplicated when hitting Return.
  • Improved the localization in Traditional Chinese.
  • Improved Todoist import and added support for project sections.

Things for Vision 3.20.3

February 16, 2024
  • Added support for push notifications across the local network for faster sync (Things will request access to the local network to enable this).
  • Tweaked a few interface elements.
  • Fixed a bug where notifications from Things were not correctly marked as time-sensitive.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented recurrence rule pickers from being shown in certain places in an item’s Repeat settings.
  • Updated some localizations.

Things for Vision 3.20.2

February 6, 2024
  • Fixed a bug where the app would not refresh to show the next day’s to-dos unless closed and re-opened.
  • Fixed the appearance of drag and drop when managing tags.
  • Further tweaked the UI for visionOS:
    • Reminders import in the Inbox.
    • “Show/Hide” toggle buttons in lists such as Anytime.
    • What’s New banner in the Today list.
    • Progress bars and spinners in dialogs.

Things for Vision 3.20.1

January 31, 2024
  • Added Undo/Redo actions to the ••• menu.
  • Added additional spacing between checkboxes and content.
  • Increased the visually highlighted area of checkboxes.
  • Improved the positioning of the share sheet.
  • Improved the dialogs for adding and managing tags.
  • Improved the contrast of buttons when managing tags.
  • Adjusted the visual style of the “Find in Text” toolbar.

Things for Vision 3.20

January 31, 2024
  • First release of Things for Apple Vision Pro. Publicly available with the release of Apple Vision Pro on February 2, 2024.