Sometimes it’s helpful to see when you added an entry in Things. Here’s how to find the creation date for any to-do or project.


Use Right-click

  1. On your Mac, open Things.
  2. Right-click any to-do or project.
  3. From the contextual menu, select Get Info.

Use the Menu

  1. On your Mac, open Things.
  2. Click any to-do or project to select it.
  3. In the menu bar at the top of your screen, click ItemsGet Info.

If you want to create a shortcut for Get Info, you can do so by referring to Apple’s guidelines.

iPad & iPhone

For To-Dos

  1. On your mobile device, open Things.
  2. Tap a to-do to open it, then tap in the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.
  3. Tap ShareGet Info.

For Projects

  1. On your mobile device, open Things.
  2. Enter a project and tap next to the project’s title.
  3. Tap ShareGet Info.

On iPad with external accessories

You can also use a trackpad or mouse to get the creation date:

  1. On your iPad, open Things.
  2. Right-click any to-do or project.
  3. Click ShareGet Info.

In Things for Vision, please follow the same steps as described in the iPad & iPhone tab above.