Things 3.1 is out! It introduces repeating to-dos in projects, and improves the parsing and formatting of dates in many languages.
Repeating To-Dos in Projects
Since the release of Things 3, we’ve had loads of great feedback. One of the features requested the most is for repeating to-dos to also work inside of projects – and now they do! It’s great for long-term projects where you have daily or weekly tasks that need to be performed until your project is complete.
To support this feature we also had to upgrade Things Cloud, so make sure you update to 3.1 on all your devices to continue syncing.
The date parser is now fluent in 7 languages
Things’ natural date parser makes setting dates and times extremely easy. For example, it converts relative terms like “in 5 weeks” or “in 35 days” into a precise date like “August 7”.
In 3.1, the parser is now fully aware of your device’s Language & Region settings. If your system is set to a language Things is localized in, it not only understands what you type, e.g. “15 jours”, “15 días”, or “15 Tage”, but it also presents the calculated date properly formatted: “lun. 17 juil.”, “lun, 17 jul”, “Mo. 17. Juli”, etc.

Finally, this update also adds full support for both parsing and displaying dates in Japanese. 楽しんで!
Things 3.1 is available now for Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch.