Things Cloud Sync – Beta Begins

We're happy to announce that the first round of test pilots have just been admitted to the cloud sync beta pool. As we stated in our last blog post, we're admitting a small group of testers at first; we'll then proceed with a gradual expansion of the pool as we go.

Things Cloud Sync Beta

The new cloud sync architecture has performed exceptionally well in our own internal testing. There is more to the new Things Mac beta than cloud sync however: we have also significantly changed many data-related aspects of how Things works under the hood. These improvements will go a long way – not only in making synchronization fast – but in making Things itself faster and more reliable.

One of the main objectives for us in this first round of testing is to eliminate any issues related to these core changes; once satisfied, we’ll quickly proceed to add more and more test pilots.

If you have not yet received an invitation — please sit tight — and thank you for your patience while we get this underway.

Read the FAQ

Sign Up for the Beta