We are happy to announce that Things for iPhone and iPod touch is available now! If you own one of those devices you may want to watch for this icon in the iTunes App Store:

Developing Things touch has been an incredible experience. The capabilities of the device and the software development kit are amazing. With just over one month development time, meeting the deadline for the App Store's launch seemed difficult, if not impossible. But we did it and we couldn't be happier.
The code for Things touch comes in at a quarter of the size of the desktop version. And we couldn't reuse a single line from the desktop version. Everything is new and shiny, almost as polished as the box depicted in the app icon :) By now we are so exhausted, it is doubtful we will be even able to finish this post... :).
There were a few trade-offs involved: for one, we have at least two completely different approaches to the tags interface, and there wasn't enough time for real world testing to rule out either of them, or to find the perfect synthesis. So rather than delivering the next best approach, we decided to disable tags in 1.0.
Second, syncing with the desktop version of Things is not yet possible in 1.0. Based on your feedback we decided that seamless over the air sync with the desktop version is a must. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to ready this feature in time for the App Store launch. Releasing a critical feature like this under time pressure without extensive testing is a big no no. Plus, iTunes automatically backups your to-dos every time you connect your iPhone, so data loss is not an issue. Of course, we could have delayed Things touch in order to implement full syncing. But considering the more than 100 amazing responses to our previous iPhone article, it was completely obvious that releasing Things touch even a single day later than absolutely necessary was not an option.
By now you can probably tell that version 1.0 of Things touch will not be around for very long. We will quickly add substantial features in a whole series of free updates. There are already two improvements that are not present in the desktop version. An extensive description of Things for the iPhone complete with screenshots will be available soon. We would be happy if you give us your support for our continued work and buy Things for the iPhone and iPod touch. As a courtesy to our avid Things users we decided to start at an introductory price of $9.99. Take advantage of it now, it won't last for long. And don't forget to rate and comment on our App Store page if you like to.
On the weekend we will be partying and relaxing, sharing some time with our families. But first thing Monday morning, work on the first update will begin. And then in a few days a badge on the App Store icon may tell you that a free Things update has arrived, one from many, that will make your task management even more enjoyable and effective.